Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sergio Garcia's Not a Racist, He's Insecure


Sergio Garcia's fried chicken comments revealed one thing to me. He's an insecure guy who's jealous of Tiger Woods and the fact that he can't beat him on the field. He came close in 1999 and he came close again 2 weeks ago and now he's letting off steam that appears to be coming from deep resentment.

I feel sorry for him really. That's my why my second video of the day ends with a personal message to him to get over it and just focus on his game. It's sad really. I'm not offended by his racist comments because I find it clownish that he reached for a personal insult when he realized he couldn't get a bigger rise out of Tiger.

As Bomani Jones posed today though on Around the Horn, the bigger question is why it seems like folks come at Tiger like this so often. Fuzzy Zoeller in 97, Kelly Tilghman's lynching comments and now this? Tiger may not want to be seen as Black but that doesn't stop others from doing that.

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